administration action

英 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn ˈækʃn] 美 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn ˈækʃn]




  1. President George Bush says his administration is taking action to help strengthen the economy.
  2. The bill's previous version made only young immigrants who had qualified for the Obama Administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program eligible for the State Needs Grant.
  3. Billions of dollars were wiped off the value of European healthcare companies yesterday after the Obama administration threatened action to halt the wave of transatlantic acquisitions by American companies seeking to cut their US tax bills.
  4. The concerns of tech groups are important because, while the administration claims its action will boost US output by 0.4 to 0.9 per cent after ten years, 0.3 to 0.7 per cent is supposed to come from high-skill immigration.
  5. Excuse me, is file answer specific, abstract which kind of administration action?
  6. The Obama administration will take action on a dramatic scale to revive credit markets and strengthen banks so they are able to lend.
  7. He said these executive orders could be repealed or amended easily by the new administration because no Congressional action is required.
  8. Mr Zoellick, a former senior official in the Bush administration, said emergency action by policymakers had arrested the fall in the global economy by supporting financial markets and boosting demand.
  9. Administration is the action of management carried out by the government departments and their staffs for social affairs and administration itself.
  10. It regularly meets to review the usual operation and structure of the school, and coordinates the operation of the two departments, avoiding duplicated effort in administration or action.
  11. To probe the universal law of the administration action is the goal, which can provide theoretical guidance for the practice of administration.
  12. Put forward with internal administration action, abstract administration action and prep administration action as the modified case scope of administrative procedure law, and mention the theory gist and fact feasibility to list the above-mentioned action as the case scope of the administrative procedure law.
  13. Concept Different on Violating Security Administration Action
  14. The administration reconsider is an action which the administration reconsider institutions exam the applied concrete administrative actions legality and suitability according to the legal procedure brought out by the applicant's application, and make a reconsidering decision.
  15. Promulgation of the Administration Replies Argument Action affirms judicatory investigation of part abstract administrative behaviors for the first time.
  16. The Brief Introduction of Portuguese Administration Action Law System
  17. Administration is an action that the government administer social. Administrative pattern is the interaction system between government and social.
  18. On the fire administration action
  19. Questions on Prior Execution in Administration Action
  20. The administration punishment is one of the concrete administration action, however it shall be restricted the system of the administration punishment when it brings into the effect.
  21. The core role position of administration action.
  22. The main means include the education of rationality theory, the compulsion of administration, the action of profiting from one way and changing prevailing habits and customs.
  23. On the basis of summarizing the former theory and practical achievements, the writer tries to use a uniform standard to distinguish and cognize the penal inspection action and the concrete administration action from a new angle.
  24. Theory on administration presentation action should be established to adapt to the welfare country, positive country and the mode of administration presentation.
  25. The idea of burden of proof in our administration action should be based on foreign theories and our system of judgement and structure of law tradition or magistrate system.
  26. After research, the deducts scores action is a sort of procedure administration action because it do not engender legal effect.
  27. Lawmakers Papers will be combined with violating the administration activity concrete action, to the crime of research and analysis, to expand the criminal law applicable space, deepen the understanding of the essence of this crime.
  28. Rural collective land expropriation refers to the administration action that according to legal regulation the administrations take collective land proprietorship compulsively for the need of public interest and give compensation.
  29. From different point of view of legislation, unstopping executive principle lays emphasis on the protection on the effect of administration action, while stopping executive principle centered on the security of human rights.